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The Beachside in Bloom

A brilliant bouquet of wildflowers bloom along the beaches and line the streets of Tofino. A popular spring sight is the robust rhododendron; a flower that seems to take turns popping from May to July like crimson, violet and fuscia fireworks.

Native to the Pacific Northwest and abundant around the globe, the rhododendron comes in many colours; saturating scenic routes and adding a colourful contrast to local nature walks. With hundreds of species, they create a wonderful attraction for late spring and early summer travellers. Mixed among them are little buds that graze your ankles and tiny blossoms above your head that fall like a gentle flurry when a strong wind blows. There is no shortage of nature on our peninsula and the views are ever-changing! 




Welcome to our little slice of paradise, our temperate rainforest, our wild and bountiful botanical garden!

~ Poetry by CK Baker

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